Open Records Request
It is the policy of the Woodall Board of Education to recognize and facilitate the public's right of access to and review of public records. The district is not required to release information contained in its education records except in conformity with the provisions of the Open Records Act, Title 51, Oklahoma Statutes, Section 24 A.l. and only to the extent that said act does not violate federal law. (See GBA-R.)
The superintendent’s secretary shall be the district's custodian of public records and shall be responsible for the preservation and care of those public records. At least one person shall be available at all times to release records during the regular business hours of the school district. Additionally, the superintendent may establish reasonable rules of procedure by which public records may be inspected.
The superintendent shall charge a fee to recover the reasonable direct costs of copying district records. The superintendent shall also charge a fee for the direct costs of searching for district records sought for solely commercial pur- poses or for searches that cause excessive disruption to the district's essential functions. In no case shall a search fee be charged for records sought in the public interest including, but not limited to, releases to the news media, scholars, authors, and taxpayers seeking to determine whether officials of the district are honestly, faithfully, and competently performing their duties as public servants. Fees for copies shall be paid in advance before the copies are made. A deposit may be required for search fees. The fee schedule for searching for and copying of district records shall be as follows:
Copies: Research: 8 1/2" X 11" or $25.00 per hour 8 1/2" x 14" $.25 per copy 11" x 17" ledger $.50 per copy Certified copy $1.00 per page Computer Printout $.50 per page Dubs of audio tapes $6.00 each Dubs of video tapes $15.00 each Material on disk $10.00 each
All confidential student records as defined by state and federal law shall remain confidential and accessible only to authorized personnel. The district may make requested records available on the Internet to comply with the obligation of providing prompt, reasonable access to records.
REFERENCE: 51 O.S. §24 A.l, et seq. |
Adoption Date: 6/14/2021 |
Revision Date(s): |
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