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New Student Enrollment 2024-2025

By Tatum, Joy

Woodall School uses online registration to complete the enrollment/application process. This can be done on any computer, tablet or even your smart phone. If you do not have access to one of these, please call our office at 918-456-1581 to set up a time to come use our enrollment kiosk. Please take a few minutes to watch the video below for a demonstration on how this process works.  It will answer many of the questions you might have. 

Please note that only the legal parent/guardian are allowed to enroll a student.

It is recommended that you have the following items ready to upload (photos or scanned on the device you are using) before you start the online process:

  1. Birth Certificate – Required for all new enrollees (not required if you were enrolled in Woodall Public Schools during the 2022-2023 school year.)
  2. Immunization Records – For school enrollment, a parent or guardian shall provide one of the following

1. Current, up-to-date immunization records: or 

2. A completed and signed exemption form. Click HERE for exemption form.  For more information -  Updated School Immunization Laws PDF        

3.  Printout From the County Assessor -- Required for all new students and for change of address. This form shows what school district you reside in. 

4.  Legal Documents – This could be custody papers, foster care paper work, etc. These documents must be court ordered. Notarized statements are not accepted.   Signed foster care placement papers are required for a foster parent to enroll a child. 

       5.  Parent/Legal Guardian’s Driver’s License or State Issued Photo ID

       6.  Front & back of CDIB if applicable.

      7.  Previous School Records/Information – This applies to new students enrolling within our District after attending a different school district. We will need the name,  address and phone number of the student’s previous school.

      8. Names and Phone numbers of Emergency Contacts – It will be helpful to gather this information prior to starting the process. 


  • Online enrollment typically takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. 

Returning students use the Parent Portal to enroll. Using the app or the computer, click the left menu and select More at the bottom. On the next screen you will see Online Registration.

Click here to use the Parent Portal website.

NEW Students

If you are new to Woodall School and please email the parent/guardian name, student name, grade, address, phone number,  and previous school to enrollment@woodall.k12.ok.us.  We will reply with a link to begin online enrollment.